Wednesday, November 3, 2010

SSC Graduate level-2010

1.India attained 'dominion status' on?-------------15th August,1947.
2.Despotism is possible in a?---------------------one party state.
3.Marx belonged to?------------------------------Germany.
4.which one of the following is the guardian of Fundamental Rights?----Judiciary.
5.Sarkaria commission was concerned with?---------------------------Centre-State relations.
6.the Speaker of the Lok-Sabha has to address his/her letter of resignation to?--Deputy Speaker of Lok Sabha.
7.a want becomes a demand only when it is backed by the?---------------------desire to buy.
8.the terms 'Micro Economics' and 'Macro Economics' were coined by?---------Ragner Frisch.
9.during periods of inflation,tax rates should?---------------------------remain constant.
10.which is the biggest tax paying sector in India?-----------------------industrial sector.
11.'Economics is what it ought to be'-this statement refers to?-----------Normative economics.
12.the excess of price a person is to pay rather than forgo the consumption of the commodity is called?--------Consumers' surplus.
13.Silver halides are used in photographic plates because they are?------reduced by light.
14.Curie point is the temperature at which?-----------------------a metal loses magnetic properties.
15.the isotope used for the production of atomic energy is?-------U-235.
16.Tetra ethyl lead(TEL) is?--------------an antiknock compound.
17.the acceleration due to gravity at the equator?---------is less than that at the poles.
18.the material used in the manufacture of lead pencil is?---------Graphite.
19.angle of friction and angle of repose are?------------proportional to each other.
20.processor's speed of a computer is measured in?----Hertz.
 21.'C' language is a?---------------------high level language.
22.what happens to a person who receives the wrong type of blood?---------the RBCs agglutinate.
23.NIS stands for?----------National Immunisation Schedule.
24.if all bullets could not be removed from gun shot injury of a man, it may cause poisoning by?---Arsenic.
25.Ringworm is a ____disease?---------------Fungal.
26.pituitary gland is situated in?----------------the base of the brain.
27.who discovered cement?-------------------Joseph Aspdin.
28.TRIPS and TRIMS are the terms associated with?--------WTO.
29.A Presidential Ordinance can remain in force?-----for six months.
30.the first non-stop air-conditioned 'DURANTO' train was flagged off between?-----Sealdah-New Delhi.
31.the exchange of commodities between two countries is referred as?-----------bilateral trade.
32.soil erosion on hill slopes can be checked by?---------------------terrace cultivation.
33.who coined the word 'Geography'?----------Eratosthenese.
34.which of the following is called the 'ecological hot spot of india'?-------Western Ghats.
35.the art and science of map making is called?-------------------Cartography.
36.the age of the Earth can be determined by?--------------------Radio-metric dating.
37.the monk who influenced Ashoka to embrace Buddhism was?-------------- Upa Gupta.
38.the declaration that Democracy is a Govt 'of the people,by the people,for the people' was made by?----Abraham Lincoln.
39.the Lodi dynasty was founded by?----------- Bahlol Lodi.
40.Harshavardhana was defeated by?----------- Pulakesin 2nd.
41.which Governor-General is associated with Doctrine of Lapse?----------Lord Dalhousie.


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